Hell-mets in Bangalore
The government with a lot (?) of thought(?) decided [unsure of who the benefactors of the decision, the riders or the over stocked helmet lobbyist..., anyway coming back to point] to protect the head of the two wheelers plying around the cities [ Aug 30 '06, The Hindu], with "helmets". This rule was deferred by a month to be modified to protect only the rider's head. Again deferred by an another month to reinforce the helmet stocks. Finally the day chosen to enforce was 1st of November 2006.

Found this crowd, on the infamous helmet street [lalbagh road], standing in a queue!! to buy one.
But one should really appreciate the lack of laxity of the public, found a mad rush to pick what ever stocks were available.
So, God save the public or should i say, the stockist ;-) ... in fact, would predict that government, say in 2-3 years [when the stocks are again full], would make pillion riding with helmets mandatory!!
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