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Monday, February 06, 2006

Whose "lineage" is it anyway..

Deccan hearld published a comment on marriages in Sri Lanka.
As the article points out, it must have flowed from the big neighbour, India, where multitude of castes and religons co-exists.
But, with the influx of knowledge economy and with a many, many educated middle class familes getting created, the age old "system" is bound to breakdown [Atlast??].


At Monday, February 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is NOT specifically aimed at marriages in Sri-Lanka. When I say I got 2nd rank, it only means there is a person who has out smarted me. It is a *smart* way of discriminating those who are smart and those who are not. Same logic applies to caste system also. By dividing the society (people) into castes, upper class has always enjoyed. Even though the CASTE is loosing its shine in the new age, new kinds of discrimination methods are being born like LIFESTYLE. People have started giving importance to lifestyle rather caste.

At Friday, February 10, 2006, Blogger pramod said...

Hey Prem....

What i see is difficult to resist for girls family rather than boys family....

A small example...we(my mom,dad,sister)were just chating about a marriage happened in our relation which was between different cast....and my mom was like she should not do like dad said what if pramod get married in different cast and come to u said he is a he can do....
so everybody was start laughing :)


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